Senin, 03 September 2012

top 10 game pc hentai (part 2)

lanjutan dr post sebelumny sory bgt kalo gw vakum kelamaan soalny banyak tugas dan hal lain yang bikin gw gk bisa buka blog

5. Casual Romance Club (PC)

  This one is much different than a typical hentai game. You have to actually pay attention to what the female is feeling like, what she is intrested in, and her horoscope for that day. There are a lot of different girls here and there is one ending for each. Certain parts are blurred out on the characters so that may be a reason that this game isn't a high seller in the hentai gaming community.

4. Secret Wives' Club (PC)


This is a game that many couples play. You basically are a young man who starts a club with 3 different married women. You choose between these women and as you progress so do the physical acts you do with these women. There are a few endings and iit has the best artwork of the ones I have seen so far.

ps:ini 1 game yg pernah gw maenin dan gw suka bgt ma ni game,walaupun cuman ngeklik klik sih,tp gw recommend ini buat jd game kalian, favorit gw cewe paling kanan

3. Do You Like Horny Bunnies? 2 (PC)

Like the first one this game has the slightly animated scenes. You are the same character as before and you have a whole new set of "bunnies" to be around.

2. Tokimeki Check-in! (PC)

 This is one of the more wide spread ones taht may be one that someone who doesn't know the game genre may have heard of. It has a few different characters with two endings for each. It follows a young man who works at a small hot springs resort who interacts with the women who work with him and vacation there.

1. BraveSoul (PC)

 Now this is the true different game in the hentai series. It is like a secret of mana type game with Hentai scenes. You get love points which decide how your relationship with a certain female character is. If you don't want to just point and click on sentences then this may be the one for you.

ok ud selese, ntar kapan kapan gw post top 10 anime yg ditunggu tunggu ya,gw ud tau tp lg gk ada waktu buat post ni hehehhe

ps:kalo mau cari gambar "h" dr game diatas cari di gugel ya gw gk mau ini blog jd sekedar blog buat tentang bokep belaka


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